A Hive of Learning in the Heart of the City

One of our 4 Key Pillars
17 Sustainable Development Goals
Where appropriate we link our curriculum to the United Nations Sustainable Goals including 'Education for Sustainable Development' and 'Global Citizenship'.
'By 2030 ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of a culture's contribution to sustainable development.'
Plastic Snake Project
4th Class with Tracy have built a 34ft snake in conjunction with a project with St. Patrick's Cathedral. The project was unveiled with a performance in the cathedral and was featured the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) festival in May and after that the Body and Soul festival.
Aim for Plastic Free School
As part of our 3 year plan we are aiming to becoming a plastic free school.
We are starting with our school lunches! Our Student Council members set up a meeting with the suppliers of our school lunches to outline their concerns regarding the overuse of plastic and Glanmore responded positively and hope to join us in our campaign to reduce the use of single use plastics in our school!
3 Green Flags
Our Green Team work tirelessly with Julie and our caretaker Paul to ensure that we recycle and compost as much of our waste as possible. We now have 3 Green Flags having recently received our latest flag, the 'Water Flag'.